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Welcome to GIAFI

Just before the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, He commanded His disciples to "go into all world and preach the gospel to ALL CREATIONS" (Mk. 16:15).To fulfill this commandment, the GOSPEL IN ACTION FELLOWSHIP INDIA (GIAFI) was formed on October 2,1982.

We proclaim the gospel to the under-privileged and the downtrodden people of India.

What Will You Learn In Our GIAFI Focused Mission Field

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    Preach the Good News

    We who have received the salvation of the Lord have the duty to preach the Good News to all people. But statistics show that only half of the world population has been reached with the gospel.

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    The Churches are more active to Evangelize

    There is still a group of people who cannot be reached by these programs. They are the people who never in public church meetings. They are seen in streets, slums and jungles.

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    We have to carry them to Jesus

    This is the ministry of GIAFI. GIAFI is a nondenominational missionary society with evangelical conviction

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    Believers who take the responsibility

    Believers who take the responsibility and have the burden to evangelize the poor support the ministry.

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    200 missionaries working in 63 mission

    At present we have about 200 missionaries working in 63 mission stations

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    Those states are....

    In Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Jharkhandh.

Who Should like to do as Missionary with GIAFI

Christ asks his disciples "go into all the world and preach the gospel to all the creation" To fullfill his commandment, the GIAFI. We proclaims the gospel to the under privileged and down trodden people of India.


Course Video Presentation

Key Takeaways

Here are the main topics that will be covered in the GIAFI Missionary course. They cover all the basics of GIAFI and even some advanced techniques that will help you along the way


In India, our mental block is so strong that we cannot even imagine that the beggar who begs from us is a soul to be saved. We may throw a coin or scold him with contempt or avoid him without noticing. There are over 4,13,670 (2,21,673 were males and 1,91,997 females) beggars in India...


India has about 80 million tribal scattered in about 461 tribal clans. Most of the tribes live in remote areas far from the reach of modern methods of evangelism.


Today, the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy is easy and most endemic countries are striving to fully integrate leprosy services into existing general health services. This is especially important for those under-served and marginalized communities most at risk from leprosy, often the poorest of the poor.


GIAFI conducts medical camps for the poor people & distributes tonic & medicines. We need medical supplies & medical staff who can help us in this effort...


 There are hundreds of children in tribal and slum areas who do not get proper education because of their parent’s ignorance or poverty.


We used to send our converts to the nearest churches. But in many places, churches will not receive them due to their illness & lower status. In some places, we are the only people who will interact with them. In such cases, we started churches & at this point, we have about 73 churches with more than 3000 believers.

Check out our Missionary testimonials from previous field of the GIAFI Training

I am Sony Thomas from Kerala .Now I am working with Gospel in Action Fellowship in Devala, Tamil Nadu. I was dedicated to God at an early age. I was born into a family that was born again. I was born before death. The parents had no hope of life. They submitted me to God and prayed. But God had a plan for me and God prolonged my life. When I was in the fourth class, I had to treat large pus in my ear. I had to stay in the hospital for many days. Many children of God came in and prayed. God gave me healing. To this day, I have never had that disease again. When I was in the twelfth grade I would spend more time in prayer, and God gave me visions.  Assured that the God has been called. After completing my studies, I studied the Word of God for a few years. Today I am married and have two children. We work as a family with the Gospel in Action Fellowship.
Evg. Sony Thomas - Family in Tamilnadu

I am Manoj V.J. working as a Missionary of Gospel in Action Fellowship in Wayanad , Kerala. I have a degree in Physics. My wife name  Sayana. R. L is a law graduate and we have two children. We both grew up in a traditional Hindu background. Our parents are academically and financially well off. I was in the export business and my wife was a lawyer. We had to relocate from Alappuzha to Ernakulam for business purposes.   It was a time of great crisis in the business. The urge to go to a church just kept popping into our minds. God bless us both to know more and follow the Lord, to accept the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior and to be baptized on April 22, 2018. Life went through many crises later but I was able to overcome them and experience the love and peace that the Lord bestows. There was always the feeling that God had chosen us for His work. I was praying for it. It was during this time that the Gospel in Fellowship came to know about India evangelization mission. We decided to work on it. Through the Word of God (Matthew 22:14) God made it clear to us that our decision is His will. So I came to Wayanad with  family and do the work of the Lord in connection with Kallur and the Shanthi Bhavan Church. Working for their radical upliftment in the downtrodden community.

Evg. Manoj & Family - Kerala
I am Johnson B.J., now working as a Missionary among the downtrodden people with GIAFI.  My fathers were followed christian religious rites. We had the opportunity to live a good life. Going forward, at the age of 19, my grandmother suffered from sick. We went to many places and prayed for relief from the disease. But there was no change except the increase in the disease. Grandmother had a habit of telling revelations when there was demonic persecution, in which she would tell what had happened in the past and what would happen in the future. Once upon a time there was a time when she said that there would be no deliverance from this plague and that only Jesus could provide deliverance. None of us even thought so.  We went to many places and failed and felt the need to try it too .There was a group of people praying to Jesus near our house. My father had harassed this pastor many times. We discussed the matter at home and decided to do an experiment .My father met the pastor and told him the information. He agreed that he was gifted. When she saw the pastor,  grandmother began to cry. Do not harm her. When Jesus rebuked the demon, it cried out and left. It was a day of great liberation in our lives. We all knelt before Jesus and the pastor prayed for us. We are all happy that Grandma never had a hard time with engage again. My father, grandfather and myself is doing His ministry.
Pastor Johnson B.J -  Pulpally, Wayanad
Learning GIAI can actually best ministry field. I attended GIAFI Missionary course and I had a great time with my missionaries and the people of God's kingdom. Highly recommended course.
Pr. Ronda Louis - Kerala

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For registration questions please get in touch using the contact details below. For any questions use the form.

Main Office Location

  • Gospel In Action Fellowship India, Pulluvazhy.P.O, Perumbavoor,  Ernakulam. Dist, Kerala. State, India, Pincode: 683 541
  • Phone : +91 889 152 6972 , Bank A/c No. 337902010013603, IFSC. UBIN0533793, Perumbavoor.