
About Gospel In Action Fellowship India

Christ asks his disciples "go into all the world and preach the gospel to all the creation" (Mark 16:15). To fulfill his commandment, the Gospel in Action Fellowship (GIAFI ) was formed on October 2, 1982. GIAFI proclaims the gospel to the under privileged and down trodden people of India.

Infact almost all the churches with evangelical conviction are active in reaching the people with the gospel, But there are people groups that can not be reached by ordinary means of evangelism. They are the people who never appear in public church worships. They are seen in streets, slums and jungles. The ministry of GIAFI is to carry them to Christ. GIAFI is an interdenominational Society with Evangelical conviction. The ministry is supported by believers who take the responsibility and have the burden to evangelize the poor.

  • Gospel In Action Fellowship India, on the threshold of 40 years of glorious ministry has now reached nine Indian States including the newly formed state of Jharkhand. The fellowship is now looking forward to starting Mission activities in Uttarpradesh and other states with minimal Christian presence.
  • Patrons are Rev. Dr. K.J. Mathew and Evg. P.V. Isaac, Director Pr. P.O. Alias, President Pr. T. A. Thampi Vice President, Evg.  P.J. John, General Secretary Pr. Suresh. K, Adm. Secretary Evg. Reni Thomas, Treasurer Adv. Johnson Pullikunnil,  Field Secretary Evg. Suresh Babu, Prom. Secretary Evg. C. Suresh, Media and Lit. Secretary Evg. Thomas Manikuzhiyil, Prayer Secretary Evg. Babu Paul, Committee Member Br. M.K. Jacob

We have work among Beggars

As we turn to the Bible for wisdom and discretion, let's meditate on this piece of encouragement: Don't close off your heart when you're in the situation of being asked to give to beggars. “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

 In India, our mental block is so strong that we cannot even imagine that the beggar who begs from us is a soul to be saved. We may throw a coin or scold him with contempt or avoid him without noticing. There are over 4,13,670 (2,21,673 were males and 1,91,997 females) beggars in India. They are sick physically and mentally. Quite a number of them are lepers and physically handicapped Most of them get money to live on by begging, and yet this is not enough. They long to love and to be loved. Gospel in Action Fellowship shares the love of Jesus with the beggars. We experienced the joy of bringing them to Christ. God has also given us missionaries from among them. Once “Peter Madhavan” was a beggar, but now he commands the people to repent and leads them to salvation. George and Krishnan Nair were also baptized from beggars.


How can we help beggars? 1. By providing them with affordable food and other basic necessities of life. 2. By giving them employment. giving their children education and telling them about the importance of education. 3. By telling them the importance of doing work. 4.By providing them shelter with love of Jesus Christ.


Project on Church

The local church is responsible to serve one another in love, equip saints for ministry, and to care for widows, orphans, and those with physical needs. Additionally, the local church worships collectively, reads and studies scripture, and protects the gospel and church from false teachers and deception

We used to send our converts to the nearest churches. But in many places, churches will not receive them due to their illness and lower status. In some places, we are the only people who will interact with them. In such cases, we started churches and at this point, we have about 73 churches with more than 3000 believers. In most places, worship services are held in rented buildings. However, in certain tribal areas, we face strong opposition from racial groups who threaten the house owners and thus prevent the availability of lodging. In these places, we and thus prevent the availability of lodging .In these place, we are compelled to build our own churches and we request your prayers and financial support to accomplish our needs.